Thomas Lindaman writes:
No Wonder Obama's Doing an End Zone Dance...
He's not. But even if he did, it would be justified. Since it's proven that he gave the order to get bin Laden.
ROFL! Lindaman's so desperate, now he has to use his fellow conspiracy nut birthers as sources!
You know what's really sad? He wouldn't have found that link, if I hadn't linked him to Geller! hehe
Right-wingers are flailing so bad now, they're actually accusing top military personnel of sedition.
Need any more proof Conservatives don't care about the country? As if their cheering the USA not getting the Olympic bid wasn't enough proof?
I think Lindaman's finally snapped. Or maybe he's decided that since he has to lie anyway, he may as well go full-on crazy.

Why not just say aliens from Venus gave the order while you're at it?
These are the posts I love the most, folks!
No Wonder Obama's Doing an End Zone Dance...
He's not. But even if he did, it would be justified. Since it's proven that he gave the order to get bin Laden.
ROFL! Lindaman's so desperate, now he has to use his fellow conspiracy nut birthers as sources!
You know what's really sad? He wouldn't have found that link, if I hadn't linked him to Geller! hehe
Right-wingers are flailing so bad now, they're actually accusing top military personnel of sedition.
Need any more proof Conservatives don't care about the country? As if their cheering the USA not getting the Olympic bid wasn't enough proof?
I think Lindaman's finally snapped. Or maybe he's decided that since he has to lie anyway, he may as well go full-on crazy.

Why not just say aliens from Venus gave the order while you're at it?
These are the posts I love the most, folks!