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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Yep, He Sure Is

Thomas Lindaman writes:

If there's one politician in Washington who can give Joe Biden a run for his money with completely inane comments, it's Massachusetts Senator John Kerry.

Because you say so. Right.

During a speech at a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor, Kerry said that the "anger" directed at Washington is misplaced. It's not Washington's fault that things are perceived as being bad. Oh no.

It's because we're just not smart enough to realize the good things President Obama is doing.

But, wait! There's more!

Kerry's said that the anti-Washington sentiment is hypocritical because...people want to keep their Social Security and Medicare and want the government to take a bigger role in the Gulf Coast clean up. Well, right now I'm not taking Social Security or Medicare,

You'll just take your three years worth of Social Security that you've paid in, right? And your personal insurance will fully cover your inevitable cardiac arrest. Right.

and the federal government has this thing called the Environmental Protection Agency whose job it is to help with the clean up of big messes like the Gulf Coast oil spill.

Ah, so this is the NEW right-wing soundbite of the week, eh? EPA-gate?

Do you know know what role the EPA is supposed to have? Did you even read their own website?

Why isn't EPA the lead for this environmental disaster?

Typically for off shore environmental incidents the U.S. Coast Guard is the lead agency for a response. As this oil slick approaches and reaches the shoreline, EPA has been preparing to ramp up its efforts as necessary to respond to a broad range of environmental impacts.

No, Senator, my "anger" towards Washington is the fact that your ilk just doesn't get it. No matter how much you try to whitewash the job Obama is doing and try to convince others that people who don't see things the way you do aren't thinking logically, the fact is that things aren't as rosy as you claim them to be. We still have high unemployment,

Right, and Obama is doing nothing about it.

1. The Recovery Act, that gave small businesses tax breaks.
2. Tax credits for small businesses that hire new employees.
3. Tax incentives for all businesses to open new plants.
4. Elimination of capital gains taxes on small business investment.
5. A new small business lending fund, now that the banks are recovering.

I guess Obama is doing nothing... to people that have a comprehension gap.

the deficit and the national debt have skyrocketed,


Right, Obama did nothing about that. At least, to people that have a comprehension gap.

and the sheer ineptitude of the current Administration is on full display with the Gulf Coast clean up.

It sure was inept. To people that have a comprehension gap.

There is one thing Kerry said that I agree with. Kerry said he thought there was a "comprehension gap" that prevents people from seeing the truth. Yes, there is, Senator. The comprehension gap, however, isn't on the part of the TEA Parties or people who agree with them, though.

It's with entrenched government officials like you who have shielded themselves from the reality of what you have wrought.

Yeah, the same reality that involves invisible men in the sky, and Climatologist Rock Stars?

A study from the Journal of Research into Personality that concluded that insecure kids look for the reassurance provided by tradition and authority, and find it in conservative politics. The more confident kids are eager to explore alternatives to the way things are and gravitate toward liberal politics. A similar 2003 study out of Stanford concluded that people who are dogmatic, fearful, intolerant of ambiguity and uncertainty, and who crave order and structure are more likely to gravitate to conservatism.

Saying you guys have a "comprehension gap" is being generous.