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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nope, No Double Standard

Thomas Lindaman writes:

The latest sting video by James O'Keefe exposing NPR has the media world buzzing, and not necessarily in a good way. As one might expect, Leftists are complaining about O'Keefe's video, alleging there were edits made to take certain comments out of context and make them sound worse than they actually were. These are all legitimate beefs as far as
I'm concerned, especially if they're based on fact and not bluster.

"Alleging"?  It's been proven!  That link is sometimes called a "citation", folks.  You'll see why I'm pointing this out in just a second.

But, I do have to take issue with the Left on this because they're holding someone who does what they accuse O'Keefe of doing to a different standard, solely because of his political ideology. This individual has manufactured scenes, done clever edits to make things appear to have happened in a certain order that didn't, and generally attempted to push
a particular point of view, regardless of the truth.

That individual is Michael Moore.

In "Roger and Me," Moore gives the impression that he was at a GM stockholders meeting with Roger Smith and his microphone was cut off at Smith's insistence. Transcripts of the meeting show Moore wasn't in attendance, thus his microphone wasn't cut off when he asked a question. It was all fabricated for the movie.

Citation, please.

In "Bowling for Columbine," Moore does slick editing to film a meeting with Charlton Heston about guns and gun control to take different scenes out of order and put them in a way that made Heston look less than stellar.

The meeting between him and Heston is completely uncut (it's only one camera during the interview).  The only thing that could be considered alteration was filming a new frontal shot of Moore holding the photograph.  Considering that doesn't change the context of what was going on (Heston was walking away and not speaking), you're full of it.

He was also guilty of fabricating a scene in the movie where he appears to get a rifle at a bank the same day he requests one, except he had to make special arrangements for that to happen.

What Moore did in that bank is exactly what anyone else could do.  The bank was also a federal firearms dealer. The only "special arrangement" that was any different from any other Joe Schmoe was that he had to get permission to film inside the building.  Aside from that, you could have walked into that bank and done the exact same thing.

In "Fahrenheit 911," Moore plays fast and loose with the timeline of 9/11 and with statements and actions President George W. Bush made.

Citation, please.

In "Sicko," Moore tells story after story about people allegedly denied health care because of insurance companies, only to find a number of those people weren't insured at the time of their care.

Citation, please.  What you're stating could actually prove Moore's point.

In "Capitalism: A Love Story," he blames Ronald Reagan for the state of the economy today, all the while ignoring or downplaying the efforts of Democrats in the 1990s that lead to the current economic problems.

Citation, please.

And this guy is speaking "truth to power" while O'Keefe is just a "conservative liar"?

I have misgivings about O'Keefe's style and alleged misdeeds, and if he's proven to be a conservative version of Michael Moore, I'll gladly criticize him in the same vein I criticize Moore.

Will you Leftists do the same to Moore?

Depends.  So far you haven't backed up anything you've stated.  Pretty obvious why you won't, since it gets so easily shot down.
Oh, and by "citation" I don't mean dragging in a link to Moorewatch's main page. *snicker*