Thomas Lindaman writes:
Because as we all know, Leftists chanting at sexual predators makes them change their ways...
Glenn who? Wasn't he that morning DJ that got his show canceled? Isn't that cute, trying to keep Beck relevant. lol
So, Glenn, how's Goldline doing? Hehe
Cops are directing the dregs they'd normally be rounding up and throwing in jail, to head down to the park and hang out with the protesters. These dregs are committing crimes against the protesters. The cops are letting it happen. So, if the cops aren't going to do anything about it, the protestors will.
What do you expect? For a moment consider that you've become sociopath enough that rape sounds like an idea you want to pursue. Where do you go? I think the choice here is pretty clear. The police designed a perfect situation for these types of criminals to have a better hunting ground with less repercussions than they normally would face... why wouldn't they head on over to give their luck a try?
When you remove deterrence for an action in one location, you'll get more of that action in that location. It's like seeing all the smokers in the "smoking areas" because that's the one place they don't get in trouble; you've made a "rape area"... what did you think would happen?
There's only one goal as far as these stories go: Right-wingers repeat these stories in the hopes that their base of stupid people will have foggy memories and think it's the protesters themselves that are rapists.
At least they did something through actions. Unlike Teabaggers that only make half-assed vague threats about carrying guns. All talk, no action with the conviction of a wet noodle.
"OWS protesters kicked out a perv, therefore corporate influence on government is a-okay!"
Hey, Lindaman: They're still protesting.
Because as we all know, Leftists chanting at sexual predators makes them change their ways...
Glenn who? Wasn't he that morning DJ that got his show canceled? Isn't that cute, trying to keep Beck relevant. lol
So, Glenn, how's Goldline doing? Hehe
Cops are directing the dregs they'd normally be rounding up and throwing in jail, to head down to the park and hang out with the protesters. These dregs are committing crimes against the protesters. The cops are letting it happen. So, if the cops aren't going to do anything about it, the protestors will.
What do you expect? For a moment consider that you've become sociopath enough that rape sounds like an idea you want to pursue. Where do you go? I think the choice here is pretty clear. The police designed a perfect situation for these types of criminals to have a better hunting ground with less repercussions than they normally would face... why wouldn't they head on over to give their luck a try?
When you remove deterrence for an action in one location, you'll get more of that action in that location. It's like seeing all the smokers in the "smoking areas" because that's the one place they don't get in trouble; you've made a "rape area"... what did you think would happen?
There's only one goal as far as these stories go: Right-wingers repeat these stories in the hopes that their base of stupid people will have foggy memories and think it's the protesters themselves that are rapists.
At least they did something through actions. Unlike Teabaggers that only make half-assed vague threats about carrying guns. All talk, no action with the conviction of a wet noodle.
"OWS protesters kicked out a perv, therefore corporate influence on government is a-okay!"
Hey, Lindaman: They're still protesting.