Jon Stewart Rips Right-Wingers A New One

    When Unarmed Blacks Are Killed By Cops

    No Wrongdoing With Benghazi

    Right-Wingers Fuel Racism And Paranoia

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Gunwalking and Skeet Shooting!

Time to whip out the RoundUp on more right-wing bullshit!

I have several entries to auto-post around midday on Christmas, because I know we'll both be too busy with holiday obligations and probably watching the Doctor Who Christmas episode tonight.  I just hope Peter Capaldi is on screen for more than thirty seconds! lol

1. Taxes... no benefits at all!

Lindaman stated: "I heard a radio ad this morning that started, 'What's the best part of paying taxes?'
Isn't that like asking, 'What's the best part of getting kneed in the crotch?'"

Defense and international security assistance, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans benefits, transportation, roads, education, science and medical research...

Unless you won't drive on a public road, you can STFU.  Kay?

2. The Gunwalking Lies

Lindaman posts this picture:

We've already proven that Obama isn't trying to take away guns from American citizens, so that issue is closed.

Then Lindaman posts this picture:

Yep, it was a an ill-conceived operation... that started under the Bush Administration.

Lindaman claims Wide Receiver "doesn't count", of course.  He even bragged that he posted that in a debate, but he doesn't provide any link to back that up.  Pure fantasyland on his part again.

But there's a problem with that: Gunwalking has been going on in several situations, not just Wide Receiver.  Read on here:


Too bad your little right-wing links didn't let you right-wing retards in on that tidbit of information.

Gunwalking happened under Bush.  And it never stopped under Bush.  Get over it.

So... by "directly arming" we're referring to the intermediaries that were buying from the gun shops and then selling to the cartels? Or did we mean to say "indirectly arming" and thus blaming the gun shops for selling stacks of guns that everyone knew were headed to the cartels?

And by "Fast and Furious weapons" we're of course referring to the fact that the weapons were legally stocked by a gun shop, legally purchased by an intermediary and were *being observed* by the "Fast and Furious" due strong suspicion that they were destined for illegal operation, but who had all attempts to actually *stop* the weapons or arrest the intermediaries or bust up the resale of these weapons to the actual criminals were being stymied by prosecutors, politicians and the gun lobby?

Because that's what was happening. Ya know, in reality.

The Feds could not do anything because buying guns in Arizona is legal. There was no crime committed!

Purchasing large numbers of firearms is not illegal, so agents have no ability to stop these purchases unless they can link intent to commit a crime to a specific gun purchase. This is nearly an impossible bar (how do you prove intent?), so the guns walked simply because the agents lacked probable cause.

On what basis would you have had agents seize these guns?  Answer that, you idiot right-wing gun nuts.

Those guns walked, because they lacked probable cause to make an arrest. Agents can't just arrest people and seize their guns without probable cause. If you disagree with the argument, please explain why, but it seems pretty straightforward to me.  I suspect Lindaman won't say anything about that and just plaster more sloppy Facebook pictures.

Congrats, conservatives. You had a legitimate complaint where things really did go awry and there was a real reason to make changes, but because all you actually cared about was trying to pin something on the guy in the White House... you blew the whole thing up into Full Retard mode and now nobody gives a shit anymore.

Gun companies have been knowingly selling weapons to stores that in-turn sell those weapons to criminals. In fact, the NRA has spent million of dollars lobbying Congress to ensure such transactions remain immune from investigation.

You know what's really ironic about this?  Republicans who support the National Rifle Association and its attempts to weaken gun laws are lambasting ATF agents for not seizing enough weapons—ones that, in this case, prosecutors deemed to be legal.  They could have seized the weapons, but prosecution would have been difficult because it was legal gun owning Americans that were straw buyers for the cartels. You right-wingers would be up in arms if the ATF started cracking down on people purchasing arms legally.

You really think stopping guns from getting into the wrong hands, while not infringing on peoples rights is easy? With the NRA and gun lobby idiots, it's nearly impossible to adequately run an effective program.

Republicans, either accept strict gun laws to protect people from getting hurt by guns, or accept the blame when hundreds die, including children, because of your desire for no restrictions on guns whatsoever, including a database of gun owners. You can't have it both ways!

The ATF weren't legally able to seize most of the weapons that "walked" to Mexico. The weapons were legally purchased, and protected by the same laws the NRA demanded we need to protect ourselves.

If you want to blame anyone, blame the NRA and their willing accomplices.  Yep, that includes you, right-wingers.

The whole "Fast & Furious" non-scandal is just damage control by the far-right who can't bring themselves to admit that liberals are right regarding gun control laws.

When Obama starts selling weapons to Iran to funnel the money to drug gangs in Nicaragua, then we can start getting outraged.  Nothing I've seen from Obama so far tops that.  Check and mate.

3. SkeetGate!

Lindaman posts this link:

Then Lindaman states:  "Two things. First, the Washington Post saying the claim Obama goes skeet  shooting all the time as "pending" in spite of the lack of evidence shows how far down the rabbit hole the media have gone. (Romney "lie" that proved to be true, anyone?)  Second, does anyone else find it a little weird that someone that goes "skeet shooting all the time"  has so few (i.e. no) examples from which to draw. Sounds like a politically expedient lie to me..."

First, the Romney lie was proven to be... A LIE.  Which is why when I proved that to you beyond all doubt, you clammed up.

Then when Lindaman was proven wrong (as usual) and photos were released of President Obama skeet shooting, Lindaman desperately tries to disguise his epic wrongness by posting other pictures like these:

Then Lindaman and other right-wingers, predictably, tried to build up some conspiracy that the photo released was faked. They said supporters lied because Obama celebrated his 51st birthday when the photo was dated.  But Obama did skeet shoot on his birthday, so that wasn't a lie either.  lol

Well, Fox News's own sources have seen him skeet shoot there!


Obama was asked if he has ever fired a gun, and he answered with the truth.  Yes, he has. 

Jon Stewart dealt with you right-wing nuts hilariously on this issue:


Tommy Christopher also does a good job showing the absurdity of "Pics or it didn't happen!" from the idiot right-wingers:


Maybe you nuts can demand the long form skeet certificate?

After Lindaman claimed he never did skeet shoot....  The White House released a picture proving Obama did skeet shoot! 

Right Wingers: "You're gonna use Sandy Hook to take our guns away!"
Obama provides information to the contrary.
Right Wingers: "Well, you don't know anything about guns!"
Obama indicates that he shoots skeet.
Right Wingers: "Well, you're only saying that because of Sandy Hook!"
Obama then provides picture of himself, skeet shooting, before Sandy Hook.
Right Wingers: "It's fake!"

This proves what we already know: That you're morons.

Team Obama trolls the wingnuts yet again.  Obama is a master at it now. Say he shoots skeet, critics go full  retard. They release a photo showing of him shooting skeet, critics go uber retard.

Obama, as always, had the last laugh: “My administration recently put out a photo of me skeet shooting and even that wasn’t enough for some people.  Next week, we’re releasing a photo of me clinging to religion.”

In the end, as with the birth certificate, President Obama comes off looking like the only adult in the discussion.

I'd certainly feel safer around Obama with a weapon than Sarah Palin, after seeing her complete clusterfuck of a moose hunt on her reality show.

I love how Lindaman wound up just talking to himself in that thread since he started sounding like a complete lunatic: "It's photoshopped!  Beer summit!  Jobs Council!  Warrhgarbl!"  lol

3. Obama's positives on the economy are negatives!

Lindaman posts this link:


Then Lindaman states: "Yeah. I can think of two bad decisions that have negatively impacted our economy..."

Lindaman backs up this gutless statement with absolutely nothing, as usual.

Yeah, that health care reforming, DADT repealing, gay marriage promoting, military streamlining, Iraq war ending, global admiration getting, stimulus passing, auto industry saving, Gaddafi toppling, torture policy reversing, student loan program reforming, bank regulating, veteran supporting, credit card reforming, nuclear proliferation ending, wilderness protecting, Fair Sentencing Act passing, school lunch reforming, hate crime law expanding, stem cell research expanding, and Bin Laden killing Obama we've had these past four years was a real negative impact, wasn't it? HA!

Meanwhile, Bush has the worst job creation record in the history of the American presidency.

4. Fluke... yet again!

Lindaman posts this link:


Then Lindaman states: "Really?"

Yes, really, Lindaman.  Leukemia treatments (blood transfusions) are religiously objected to by Jehovah's Witnesses.  It falls perfectly in line with the rest of what she was saying regarding Catholics and birth control.

Leave it to dishonest people to choose National Review.

5. How dare you hate the hate groups!

Lindaman states: "Amazing how some people scream for choice and diversity...until you choose to be diverse and not agree with them."

I hate Neo-Nazis and the KKK.  So I guess that makes me a non-diversity, discriminating hate group that's just as bad as them. lol

Until you point out what the hell those "some people" are and what they're saying, your post is nonsense.

6. Ayn Rand!

Lindaman posts this picture:

Ayn Rand is a racist.  Do a little research on her comments toward Native Americans.

Colbert summed things up nicely as far as Rand goes:

She was a crackpot misanthrope who lived off Social Security.  Oh, and Ayn Rand despised libertarians, and admired a child rapist/killer. lol

7. Spain!

Lindaman posts this link:


Then Lindaman states: "Hmmm...and didn't Spain turn the reins of government over to socialists? Why, yes...yes they did!"

Spain's economic problems are because of right wing bullshit, not socialism.  Corporations fire people more easily now (sound familiar?), they had a real estate bust (sound familiar?), it had toxic predatory lending that led to bank issues (sound familiar?), insurance companies are now in too much  control (sound familiar?).  Every one of these things had the same effect that it had in America: It  hurt the economy.

It's the small Mediterranean countries with a much more minimal welfare state that are suffering (as well as Ireland and Spain, which also have a minimal welfare state.)

Sweden, Denmark and Germany with their high taxes and large welfare states, are doing just fine.

But don't let reality blind you right-wingers! lol

8. Pay for the sins of your parents!  As long as you're not white...

Lindaman posts this link:


Then Lindaman says: "What the...?"

Sorry, that immigrant is right!  No one should be punished because another person broke the law.  His parents brought him here when he was young.  That's NOT his fault, no matter how much you want to punish him for that.