In light of right-wingers like Thomas Lindaman trying to blame Obama for the Underwear Bomber, here's a few interesting facts:
1. Right-wingers got mad at Napolitano saying "The system worked." Well, if you see the actual interview, Napolitano was talking about the AFTERMATH procedures i.e TSA alerting the other airplanes about the situation, the dispatching of FBI agents in airports around the country...etc. And in that respect, the system DID work.
2. House Republicans voted against funding the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for the very tools that might have prevented this event in the first place, just for shits and giggles.
3. Two of the al Qaeda leaders allegedly behind the plot were released by the Bush administration into an "art therapy rehabilitation program."
4. There is no permanent head of the TSA because of Jim DeMint (R-SC) over fears of unionizing: