Thomas Lindaman writes:
Leftist Coward
Hey, you're the one that repeatedly backed down from a face-to-face because you were scared. That's why this blog was made in the first place. lol
Watch - Day 1
Yeah, like you've never watched before! hehe
One day after I pointed out how cowardly my Leftist counterpart is for not allowing people to comment on his "blog" (which bashes me while simultaneously relying on me for his material
Kinda funny coming from someone who in the very same post, just repeats Doug Ross's timeline, AGAIN, after pointing out that it was missing some rather "trivial" information. And unlike you, I don't duck any questions you have on the topics discussed. (Still waiting on a response to the "generic scientists" double-lie).
because, well, he's too much of a coward or a leech to come up with anything original),
I have a different site for that, silly. THIS particular site isn't for revenue, it's just:
But yes, I'm glad YOU have original material that was definitely not taken from Glenn Beck (I mean, REALLY, Thomas... Saul Alinsky? Honestly... you could have at least waited a little while before using that soundbite to help disguise things a bit).
he responds with the typical Leftist tactic. Calling me a racist.
Oh, really? Where did I call you personally a racist? Hm?
I said your friends are racist. And that's a fact.
You are buddies with a chatroom full of people who spout racist bullshit 24/7. Go on, justify "Obamanigger". They've said that, with you sitting right there in the room. People that you chum with for hours. I've SEEN it. And you have never, EVER, distanced yourself from them or their comments.
This is YOUR quote, used to justify one of your usual trashings of Obama:
"You can tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps."
Remember the Glenn Beck church link I posted? You got mad because you felt that was character assassination. But you forgot that you said the same thing about Obama's church.
You took the bait. And you fell for it again. Hooked! Sooner or later I knew you'd break on that one. Ya see? By your own logic, you're a racist because you regularly rub up against proven racists. So, how do you like it? Honestly, you're slipping. I've been lobbing easy ones at you and you're still missing them.
And yet, it was people like him who voted for Obama solely based on race. That's not "right wing spin" as my Leftist counterpart will claim: those are the words of the voters themselves.
I personally still think Kucinich is the only person that truly represents what the Democratic Party should be. But Americans are still too retarded to move that far forward (this country is still too far backwards and really doesn't deserve people like him yet). I also favored John Edwards ahead of Obama during the nominations (he was far more anti-corporate and his health care plan was better). But whatevah! He's right, folks! Lindaman once again uses his investigative reporting to announce a bombshell! Obama won the election... because he was black! *snerk* But in all seriousness... I'm still glad Obama won. Because I think it's absolutely hilarious that this country had gotten SO fucked up by the Right, that Americans were able to ignore their racism and elect a black man with the middle name of "Hussein." Come on, that's FUNNY! They would rather vote for a terrorist fist-bumping, whitey-hating, secret Muslim Manchurian candidate from Kenya... than another Republican. If you can't laugh at that, you can't laugh at anything! Nation Finally Shitty Enough To Make Social Progress
And while we're here, why did Obama wait over twice as long to visit the Gulf Coast as Bush took to survey the damage after Katrina?
By jove, that's an awesome question! How will we ever solve this mystery? Maybe we can at least come up with some theories. Hmm... Maybe because... nobody is screaming for help from rooftops and dying in astrodomes? I do like how you say Bush was "taking a survey of the damage". Clearing brush makes him an expert on that.
Was begging for votes THAT important? In fact, let's take a look at the various events Obama felt were more important than visiting the people along the Gulf Coast:
The spill hadn't even reached the coastline yet, dingaling. Are you beginning to understand the timing?
Yes, let's take a look at a cut-and-paste from the Doug Ross timeline! Honestly, how could Conservatives live without you?
- saying Wall Street needs more regulation
And it sure as hell does.
(while exempting Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae from that same oversight in spite of their direct impact on the current mortgage situation)
He's exempting it? Because Doug Ross says so? Really?
Barack Obama to overhaul Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
You see, this is what happens when you live in a bubble. When you only hang out in racist right-wing chatrooms, only listen to FOX News and right-wing pundits, only read right-wing websites, and hang out at local Teabagger meetings, and then take ALL of that at face value: your perception of reality gets distorted and you also kind of... miss things.
- delivering a speech about Earth Day and its contributions to environmental awareness (as the oil spill got larger in the Gulf)
Again, what did you want him to do? Suck it up with a straw?
- criticizing Arizona's new immigration law (in spite of the fact that the Arizona law mirrors existing federal law)
The laws ARE different.
The problem is with the AZ law, is this, at the very beginning:
If a cop suspects you're an illegal, you must prove you are not. The federal law says no such thing.
- taking a weekend away from the White House and visiting with Rev. Billy Graham (How many barrels of oil did that waste, Mr. President?)
Well, how else can a secret Muslim figure out the enemy?
I do like how you reworded what Ross said, though. Obama interrupted a weekend getaway to visit Graham. Not bad, Thomas... not bad at all. That's one for you.
- giving an impromptu press conference on Air Force One SO? From April 20 to April 29, Obama didn't even mention the oil spill. And this weekend, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano said they had "all hands on deck" since the beginning. All hands...except Obama's, apparently.
And yet again, you ignore the missing elements from the Ross timeline that were already linked up in a previous post.
Such as:
You're beginning to sound like Michael "Heck of a job" Brown. He's trying to pull this bullshit, too. You DO remember Brown, right?:
If Michael Brown had been in charge of the Coast Guard, they would be showing up right about... now.
And for me pointing out Obama's lack of leadership on this issue,
Lack of leadership? Because he's not taking photo-ops of him at the spill? Because the administration's been there since the start? For someone who hates anybody with a "D" after their name, you sure do pee your pants when he's not there petting your head.
Even when 9/11 happened, I wasn't concerned about Bush giving a speech, I was concerned about what was getting done. You see, that's what's bothering you right-wingers... things are GETTING DONE. Here's a partisan timeline for you, you betcha:
the Leftist coward
Ya shouldn't have backed down from those challenges to a face-to-face, bubby! That exposed you as a coward.
And again, this very post shows you just keep plugging forward repeating the same bullshit even when a previous post proves something otherwise. (Still waiting on "generic scientists").
who simultaneously hates me and relies on me for his very blogging existence
Yep, this particular blog relies on your hilarity. Absolutely. No denying that whatsoever. Have you noticed I've never asked you to shut it down?
Your blog, however, relies on no readers whatsoever! That's very bootstrappy of you, listening to yourself and all that.
calls me a racist.
You are who you hang with, right? You said so yourself.
At least I didn't vote for an inept Leftist because of his skin color. Can you say the same,
ROFL This is great, now he thinks I'm black! He's finally completely snapped!
You see, THIS is why I absolutely LOVE that you have to post this blatantly and openly! Hey, Obama supporters: You're a black guy! Not only am I white, I don't even qualify for Obama's tax breaks, nor do I need health insurance. I'm a Liberal Democrat because... I actually give a shit about people other than myself. And since I'm not religious, my giving a shit isn't because a fictional book tells me to.
Mr. Leftist Coward?
LOL He's shaking his fist at his monitor as we speak! Hey, you had plenty of chances! But you backed down because you're gutless.
Read Matthew 7:1 in that Book of Blood you ignore, bitches!
You talk about originality, then try a desperate tactic by taking a soundbite from your last commenter (5 months ago, after asking for help). That's assuming he's not a sockpuppet. lol